Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Mother’s Day Necklace Giveaway – Octo-Mom Here’s Your Chance!

I just bet that everyone thinks while I am making up jewelry designs I am listening to something elegant like classical music (on occasion) or at the least, watching something of importance - like the news. I am chagrined to admit that is not necessarily the case.

Most often the TV is tuned in to absurd programs like repeats of The Housewives of ________ (you fill in the city) or Millionaire Matchmaker. Today was an exception – I happened to turn on Oprah who was interviewing none other than, Octo-Mom Nadia. As I worked on a new necklace design, I became transfixed with her reality check of Motherhood. In the end, I came away feeling a bit sorry not only for her children, but for herself. I’m sure in the midst of her emotional decision to have all these children; she was, shall we say - rather clueless, as to the day-to-day demands of being a single parent of 14.

Thankfully, I did not own that problem! I was raised as an only child and had a beautiful mother as well as a fabulous step-mother. My mother imparted a sense of style to me from a very young age and I was also very blessed to have such a warm and caring step-mom after her death. I was brought up in an environment that fostered my creative side while simultaneously teaching me to think independently. I can still hear my step-mother’s words – “Just because everyone else is doing it (you choose the folly), does not mean you have to follow along! Great life-lessons!

Last year I wrote about my niece and her long awaited new baby that inspired a Mother’s Day/New Mommy Necklace design in this post. This year I decided I should do a little give-away to all my wonderful readers.

Leave me a comment about some poignant memory or bit of wisdom from your mother and you will be automatically entered to win a custom designed Mother’s Day necklace like the ones in the photo. You get to choose the metal (sterling silver or 24K gold vermeil) and the birthstones that suit your family. This thoughtful necklace can either be a gift for yourself or a gift for your own wonderful mother or mother-in-law.

The drawing will be on Monday, May 3rd. Nadia – are you out there?!


  1. My mom is the most generous woman I know. She gives to everyone she encounters. What an inspiration!

  2. My mom is such a stylish woman and she always looks great when going out. She makes it a point to look presentable even when picking up mail from the postbox. And because of that, no one has ever seen her looking frumpy! Sure it's a bit of work, but in case anyone ever drops by unexpectedly, they might think that she had expected them! :P
    bunnybx at gmail . com

  3. My mom is a strong and positive person. She sees the best in everything. She has the ability to find the right words to make everyone feel good and special.

    Thank you for the wonderful blog and giveaway.



  4. My mom has been my main source of inspiration forever. And, I don't even know if that was her goal. But now, I want her to know that I love her for that very reason and so much more. She insisted that I take sewing lessons starting at age 10 when my friends were "having fun"; she "hauled" my siblings and me to those "awful" antique auctions-and, my, how we hated having to go to those "stupid" auctions-how very, very boring and hot they were in the deep south in the summertime; she made us tag along as we drove to far away garden nurseries looking for the perfect plants to add to our yard; and, after my first child was born-nothing would do but that I take a smocking class...well, you see, I am now working for myself as a designer/seamstress, designing and making window treatments and slipcovers,...and all things "home"...and, mostly, because of the constant teachings and affirmations of my lovely mom. I love you, Mom...

  5. Anonymous21/4/10 23:02

    my mother always are loveable,always there for me, sometimes it feels that we are thinking even the same things, i just love love her. What i learned from her is just to LOVE my kids no matter what !! i know some of you would say is that all this woman can say ? YES,YES YES!!! Love as they would say conqueres (sorry spelling i'm afrikaans speaking) EVERYTHING !xxxx Love and hugs to all mothers out there.

  6. My Mother is such an inspiration - we learned strength from her. She struggled to give us everything we needed on her own. She was also our rock during my beautiful nieces' sickness & then, when she passed away last Sept. I would give your beautiful necklace to my amazing sister who struggles everyday, but is able to find the strength to be a great mother & sister!

  7. Anonymous22/4/10 11:03

    For 36 years at least during my newspaper working career my mom would call me every day around 2 p.m. I would answer, Hello Mom, we would have a nice chat and she would say, 'Shouldn't you be in bed you have to work late tonight.' I would always say 'Mom, how can I sleep when you always call me every afternoon?' It was a cute joke I always kept to myself . . . I never complained to her. My wonderful mom died many years ago and I really just wish she could call me now and ask me why I'm not sleeping! Mothers are special people who should be held in very high regard and respected enormously. My sisters and brother cared for her very deeply as she did us. We were so fortunate to have such a loving mom and a mother that will never be forgotten. xoxoxo

  8. My mother was an RN and took care of my severely disabled brother until the week she died, at age 86. I miss her navy blue eyes and gentle soul, her love of classical music, art, and her Irish family. She had a few pieces of good jewelry inherited from that family, but which were lost, over the years. How I wish I could give her one of your lovely creations to honor her on Mother's Day.

  9. Hello Karen,
    Admitting to finding inspiration in every day life, is so refreshing and encouraging. No wonder your creations are so beautiful and so wearable.
    About my mother: What i can recall is her timeless style. She'd put on a cool wool skirt in blue, that she had made herself to suit her curves, a crisp tailor made white shirt, her pearls and high heel shoes, almost always by Charles Jourdan, and look always perfect. After travelling a lot stylistically, I have a much more relaxed style myself, but as I enter my 40s, I can appreciate more the stylish frugality of her choices, although the strictness of her life is austere to me.
    That strictness made me admire more independent and artistic expressions.
    I'd love to wear a piece of your jewellery. Please enter my name.

    happyturtledeco {at} gmail {dot} com

  10. Happy Mother's Day! I'm new to your blog (by way of "All the Best" and "Cote de Texas"). Reading through your past posts, I'm impressed by your designs and where you find inspiration - lovely!

    I enjoy every opportunity to talk about how wonderful I think my mom is! Growing up, she was a true example that a woman could be both strong and feminine. She drove to work each morning in her high heel shoes (even though she was 5'10" without them!) perfectly accessorized. Remember the "Twist-a-Bead" necklaces from the '80s? We've since become more glamorous with our choice of jewelry - LOL! Back to Mom... And, yet on the weekends, she tackled major projects like home renovation, painting the exterior of her house, building a workbench in the garage and keeping her thumbs green by maintaining a beautiful yard and garden.

    Even though we live in different states, we chat (via email) every morning and throughout the day. She's not only my mom, but now she's a great friend I enjoy visiting when I return home to Texas throughout the year. I could go on and on with many stories and memories, but mostly, I'm thankful that the good Lord gave me to her. I'm truly blessed as a result.

    I'm not a mother myself, but I respect the amount of selfless love and action that it requires. Hats off to all moms!

  11. my mom always encourages me to be myself and not to be afraid to be different! I would love to give this to her!!!

    nicolemarielum @gmail.com

  12. this is seriously soooo sweet of you!!! thanks so much!

    what i learned from my mom is the value of an education and i am so happy that she and my father are paying for my university tuition and so i don't have to worry about working to pay it off and focus on studying!

    glittergurl04 @hotmail.com

  13. omg i can't even imagine what it would be like to raise 14 kids under the age of 12!!! she's one crazy lady!11

    but my mom taught me to always stand up for what I believe in and to never sell myself short! I would love this for her!

    glamorchick_007 (at)hotmail.com

  14. amazing necklace!!!

    my mother taught me the importance of treating everyone, no matter who they are with respect. She always showed us that it is important to treat people with compassion and empathy because you never know what is going on in their lives

    rubyroseandrews @gmail.com

  15. Love your designs, they are so delicate and stylish. As a Mother of three, I hope my children know that they came from a foundation of love.From my own Mom, comes my sense of style, even though are tastes are different. She always looked for quality in her life.

    Thanks for the give-away!

  16. My mother, Kathy, and I are so close that we are more like sisters. She was a single mom who took every precaution imaginable to assure a happy childhood and a safe environment for me to grow up in. Although she's married now to her prince charming, she's a "SUPER MOM" who deserves every wonderful thing life has to offer! Thank you for taking my entry into consideration for this mother's day! I hope you enjoy this day too! All my best, Jenny.

  17. Seven months ago our family experienced the loss of my mom who thru out her 96 years of vibrant living was a constant source of love, support and prayers for our entire family.

    Three months later on January 1, 2010 my only child, Autumn, gave birth to her long awaited first, second and third child(ren)-triplet boys. Being a mom requires a depth of love, committment and perseverance that many of us do not realize we possess before motherhood. Autumn continues this wonderful tradition of loving and nuturing her children. What a wonderful way for her to remember this-her fist Mother's Day-with this beautiful piece of jewlery.

  18. i lvoe my mom for showing me to be a strong women and to not have to rely on others!

    this would be perfect for her!!!

    ericaloves @hotmail.com

  19. thanks for you kind generosity!

    i would lvoe to give this to my mom who has taught me that when times are tough to never give up hope and to never keep trying!

    swt_babe321 (at) hotmail.com

  20. what a great gift this would make!!!

    my mother taught me the importance of honesty and that no matter what I should not only be honest to others but I should be honest to myself as well.


  21. I must tell you that I have read every one of these magnificent tributes to Mothers and some have brought tears to my eyes while others have given me a chuckle.

    Bunny B – I’m a bit like your mother - won’t even go to Circle K without getting dressed! However. . . Drive Thru’s are another story!

    Cottage and Cabin - My son had the same reaction to antiquing and tromping through the Design Center/Fabric stores when I had no baby sitter! Now that he is grown and has a family of his own – he appreciates the beauty and quality of workmanship found in antiques and has a very nice fashion/interior design eye.

    Anonymous – There have been so many times I reached for the phone to call my Mother, only to realize – I can speak to her directly – she is watching over me!

    When we see teen-age girls mature into young mothers it is like a metamorphosis! How did we all learn to become the loving, caring women that we are for our children? Is it nature or nurture? I think it is a bit of both – we learn from our own mothers how to be good mothers and therein lies the legacy!

    If I don’t get back to post again before the necklace giveaway drawing – good luck to all. Happy Mother’s Day – not only to the Mothers amongst us, but kudos to the wonderful children that these loving mothers have raised!

    P.S. – Tell your friends to add their comments for the drawing!

  22. Hi Karen - your creations are so lovely. To win one would be sheer delight!

    About my Mom --- we struggled. Not the greatest of relationships, but I tried hard - so hard. When she was ill and dying - I gave up my life to take care of her and doing so - changed my life. I feel that I finally found out who she was, what she loved, and all that made her the person that she was (good and bad). The whole experience was eye opening for me and a blessing in so many ways.

    My mother taught me many things but one of hte most treasured is the way she loved her grand children. It was amazing how she developed relationships with them (when she and I had struggled so to have one!)

    If I am lucky enough to win this beautiful necklace - I am going to give it to the mother of our new granddaughter.

    Thank you Karen for this generous gift.

    ps - I hope you are enjoying your little nest that I created for you!)

  23. Well my mom taught me how to sew and how to wallpaper and garden and paint and do all those things that I love to do now. The funny thing about mom is that she is a true yankee and cares not one bit about personal style and glam. Now as a decorator I am a girl who cares about personal image and clothes and lovely things, but I can see all the gifts from mom~ who taught me the basics of my trade and career, and I laugh to think of her comfortable in her own skin, in her old comfy clothes puttering in her garden.. we all should be that at home with ourselves.

  24. My mother was a wonderful mom of4 girls. She was a single mom raising us girls in the 70's. It was the drop out generation. She made sure that we always dressed neatly and taught us that people do judge you by first impressions.

    Now I find my self an octomom! I have 4 boys and 4 girls. The youngest 3 children are 5 years old. My wisdom for my own children is education and good manners are key. Love GOD, family and all others. These things make for a good life.


  25. I actually have a couple of comments about moms. I am lucky to have a survivor for a mother under may unfortunate circumstances of unwise choices we have all survived and done very well maybe a chance of perserverince on her part.Be strong and keep going
    But the woman who I admire is my grandmother who was the rock and silent guide to make my life complete always an inspiration and a bright star whom I feel watches over myself and family by the minute
    But the real star for a mother would be my cousin who raises a severly handicap daughter who requires daily care with siezures and many other challanges and a second not as bad has some symptoms of the first child. SHE HANDLES a full time job and a happy cheerful attitude or lets make it happen. She never looks at what could have been or should have but daily makes a normal life for these two girls. I say she is a miriclae in herself and I believe my grandmother guides her soul from the heavens above!
    I guess we all know some pretty amazing women!
