Sunday, April 25, 2010

Forget Me Not Necklace (Flora Collection) – Chalcedony, Pearls and Blue Lace Agate

Forget Me Not flowers have been a favorite of mine for many years. These delicate little flowers grow wild in some locales and they were a favorite of Victorians - probably as much for their sweet color and form, as for their adorable and nostalgic name.

They appear in my collection of antique Elfinware as well as a smaller collection of antique postcards that were sadly misplaced at some point during my move across country.

There is just something about the slightly lavender-blue hue that keeps me entranced. It is a complicated color – too much red and it becomes lavender – too much blue and it becomes. . .well, blue! I have always had a theory that this particular shade of blue is very becoming to most people. It makes us look cool on the most brutal summer day and tan on even the most pallid complexion!

Diamond Baratta

via Cococozy

It is a very significant color for me as it was this lavender-blue hue that I chose for my first ever showhouse years ago. I think it is a favorite of many interior designers for its freshness and universal appeal.

The sweet little Forget Me Not flower was clearly an apt moniker for my most recent necklace design made for the Flora Collection. Beautiful shades of lavender-blue chalcedony and blue lace agate were juxtaposed with an abundance of creamy freshwater pearls in assorted shapes from simple rounds to egg shapes and petal pearls, and were combined to create a profusion of delicate flower-like elements. With a name like this – how could you forget this sweet bijoux frippery!

Don't Forget the Mopther's Day Necklace Giveaway
in the April 20th Posting!


  1. That is indeed one of your most beautiful necklaces Karen!! A favorite color of mine!!

    Art by Karena

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Karena-
    Thanks for your sweet comments. Can I hire you for PR? ;=)
