Saturday, September 3, 2011

Is It Pink? Is It Salmon? No, It’s Honeysuckle!

My hubby and I have a long running tête-à-tête (25+ years) about anything in his closet which even remotely resembles what I consider the pink family. He refers to these shirts, ties, etc. as “salmon” (as in salmon pink - even when they are not).  The fact that he will actually wear these “salmon” (a.k.a. - pink) polo shirts and ties is a 180 degree change from our conversations early in our marriage.  I guess I finally wore him down, but now he thinks it was all his idea!

The color gods (Panatone) have deemed this fall’s color darling as “Honeysuckle”.  I am personally one happy gal - since it is one of my favorite colors.  Although I grew up with wild bushes of honeysuckle that were a pale yellow - I don’t even question where these color gods are from.  I’m just happy this is the color du jour!

Some time ago, I fell in love with these Missoni-striped rhodochrosite slices.  They have been sitting in my stash of gemstones just waiting to be made into something gorgeous.  No time like the present - they encompass four of the Panatone color forecast colors for Fall 2011 with their raw Herkimer diamond, andalucite, rhodochrosite and champagne citrine frills.  Gorgeous with chocolate brown suede and camel cashmere - these are perfect for autumn!    

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