Monday, July 4, 2011

July 4th Fun!

Steve Maciejewski via Flickr

I live on a golf course - but this is the best July 4th idea I’ve seen so far!
Eileen Ludwig via Flickr

Lounging by the pool - when it’s 105+ degrees!
Source Unknown

Watermelon - yum!
Maxxbass via  Flickr

Maybe next year!?!
KTB83 via Flickr

I miss the Boston Pops on the Esplanade with the fabulous 
fireworks displays!
Source Unknown

Angel Art Photography

One last thing - Don’t forget to attend the Summer Soiree Sale!

1 comment:

  1. Hi,,, I love your jewelry designs. I enjoyed visiting your blog. I am in Tempe, so I know about this heat! Stay cool.
