Monday, November 22, 2010

Aaah! - The Perfect Thanksgiving

Okay, Missy - Thanksgiving is all about the food!  Yes, we all know  you will be planning,  grocery shopping and preparing for days - but, the deliciousness of the turkey is directly proportionate  to whether you actually wake up to the 5:00 AM turkey buzzer on Thanksgiving morning after pulling an all-nighter!  
Designed by Karen Egan of Karlee Enterprises for IFDA Tableau 2009

Designed by Debbie Conforti of Waterleaf Designs for IFDA Tableau 2009

On the other hand, it’s a great chance to amaze relatives with your tablescaping design abilities!

It’s one of those times when the entire family gets together.

A chance to see how cute and “creative” your cousin’s two youngest boys are. . .

And to see how all the other adorable children have grown in to “delightful” teenagers.

A chance for some male bonding over football. . .

And some “girl talk” over coffee and desserts.

But. . .the best part of Thanksgiving is knowing that you do  not need to wake up at the crack of dawn on Friday to hit the malls for Holiday Savings.  Nope. . . no tug-of-war over bargains, standing in long lines for checkout or  searching for your car by clicking the remote key.  

Instead - sleep until 9:00 AM, slip on your fuzzy robe -  grab a cup of coffee, your laptop and head over to  

Join us for the  Black Friday/Cyber Monday Sale to feast your eyes on some amazing jewelry for every gal on your holiday list. . . or maybe even a little something for yourself!
Sale begins on Thanksgiving Day and runs through Midnight (EST) Monday, November 29th.


  1. Hilarious post! {and endearing}

    I also have the Black Friday aversion. Don't recall EVER getting out on that day.....but I'm not big into TV or poly/cashmere blend Snuggies, either ;)

    Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!


  2. Andrea-

    I don't think we are alone in our aversion to B&M stores Black Friday Sales based on the responses I got on my website sale!

    Me standing in line to pay for a Snuggie will probably NEVER happen - there just are some things that should never have been invented!

    Okay, a show of hands. . . who's tired of all that left over turkey?!


  3. Karen this is too too funny!! Of course it is exactly like my huge family gathering at times!! Come and see your jewelry featured on my side post!!

    Last day to enter my giveaway from Fifi Flowers value $200!

    Art by Karena

  4. that image of your cousins is hilarious!!!
    love amber x
