Wednesday, October 13, 2010

What An Ego - My Own Design Project Inspires the Maggie Bracelet!

Bliss Design

I’ve spent the last eighteen months in an on again/off again interior design mode.  When I finally convinced my hubby it was really time to renovate the kitchen/family room - I agreed to play by his rules!  We would do the project in phases in order to keep a positive cash flow.  We are almost there. . .in the final stretch - but not quite ready for prime time!

Bliss Design

Bliss Design

From the beginning, I had to establish a color scheme that would be something we both liked, but also a projected guess of what might be in the upcoming color forecast.  Thankfully, my forte and strength was always my fearless use of color and I am thrilled that my choice of aqua and charcoal/grey was spot on!  I find that combination of colors very restful and comforting - particularly when infused with a generous dose of white and natural sunlight!

Well after the fact, I have found other beautiful rooms and vignettes that confirmed what an elegant combination charcoal/grey and aqua can be.

Maggie Bracelet - Notice the "blue flash" of the grey Labradorite

Strangely enough, my own design project became the inspiration for my newest jewelry design - the Maggie Bracelet.  It’s funny that we all seem to associate a name with a particular person and such is the case with the Maggie Bracelet. The Maggie I know is a very attractive gal that is tastefully modern and impeccably stylish. She would, of course, inherently know that this beautiful blue flash Labradorite bracelet would be a great addition to her wardrobe of currently fashionable gray, black and neutrals. Maggie would love the beautiful Peruvian Blue Opal Briolettes - not only for their dash of color, but for their asymmetrical texture and design.

After seeing the outcome of this lovely bracelet - I am sooo ready to see the final reveal of my own interior design handiwork! 


  1. Beautiful choice of colors - and gorgeous bracelet! Can't wait to see the room design!

  2. Gorgeous colors !!
    And I love that bracelet, yummy.

  3. really pretty cool colors Karen.
    Can't wait to see your reveal.

  4. I only just found your website via Texas Cote and loved it so much I was going to do a post on you. So imagine my surprise to find out today you have a blog also. i adore your style especially as I love blue and you certainly delight me with many blue creations. Would it be okay with you to still do a post about you?Fiona
