Friday, May 21, 2010

“I Told You It Was A Left At The Border”!

San Juan Capistrano via Flickr (3 images)

Every day is a new adventure in Arizona!  My first week I was here, I spotted a 40 pound bobcat about 10 feet away from me.  Looking back, my conversation with the wildlife agent about said bobcat was really funny!
KS - I’l like to report a bobcat sighting
Official Wildlife Agent (OWA) - How do you know it was a bobcat?
KS - Well, my ex-brother-in-law was an avid hunter and he had one mounted  above my nephew’s bunk beds.
OWA - Where did you see the bobcat? 
KS - I was on the little patio making some phone calls and he just came out from behind a bush about 10 feet away.  When I first saw his head come out from behind the bush,  I thought it was a kitty cat . . .until he walked a little further!
OWA - Is the bobcat threatening you or you pets?
KS - Not really, but I thought you should know he is in a residential neighborhood where there are small children and pets!
OWA - M’am, where are you from?
KS - I just moved here from Boston about a week ago.
OWA - Well. . .now you live in the desert and unless the bobcat is threatening you or your pets - we don’t come out.  These animals were here long before all the buildings went up in your neighborhood.  I’m sure you will see other animals during your stay here - but like I said, unless they are threatening - we don’t come out!
I hung up the phone, but it always stuck in my head that the entire episode sounded like a madcap Lucille Ball episode of I Love Lucy or a clip from City Slickers!

One of 4+ nests on my front porch alcove
Look closely - the little swallow is peeping out of the nest!

To date, we have dealt with 3 swarms of bees (one swarm necessitated moving out of the house for 2 days while they removed part of our house to treat the hive); rabbit proofing our yard so the little bunnies would not be eaten by our fiercely interested Cavalier King Charles Spaniels; an ongoing battle with “roof rats” who find our orange trees a gourmet delicacy and now the latest. . .a flock of swallows!  This is all a bit  much for someone that is not exactly a “nature girl”!
Don’t get me wrong. . .I love birds - especially the sweet little hummingbirds that are so abundant in AZ, but this latest adventure is not only extremely messy, but a little scary - much like Tippi Hedren in Alfred Hitchcock’s, “The Birds”!  These swallows are very fast and they swoop in under the soffit of the front entrance alcove with a mission.  If something is not done soon to stop their nest building - I’m afraid our guests won’t be able to come in through the front door!  I spent the day trying to get some help in relocating them to no avail.  Of course, it is the week-end so nothing can be done until Monday (isn’t that always the way things go?)!  By Monday, they will probably have a full subdivision of swallow condo’s built and a HOA in place!  Anyone have any ideas???
As always, the creative mind keeps spinning (especially because there is nothing more I can do about the swallow problem), so I might as well be constructive with something!  I’ve been working on the completion of my Kitchen/Family Room where soft dove-grays  have intersected with powdery aquamarine blue.  There is just something about this combination of colors that is very soothing to me.  

I just completed this Gigi Necklace made up of soft dove-gray freshwater pearls, petal pearls and organic aquamarine nuggets.  I especially like the fact it has an elegant presence, but is not overwhelmingly dramatic - a wonderful and flattering spring/summer choice. 
I can just hear Mrs. Swallow to her husband - I Told You It Was A Left At The Border”!  San Juan Capistrano - you are missing some swallows and I think I have found them!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous27/5/10 13:50

    Wild about the wildlife! Absolutely stunning photos, and I love the jewels too!
