Sunday, November 1, 2009

Designing in Chaos – Priorities

After living with the utter bedlam of a kitchen renovation for the past three months, most people (I’m feeling very certain of this) would want to get their kitchen up and running as soon as possible. Unfortunately, even though I am probably 90% completed – I am back in a holding pattern. The plumber has to come back after getting some special type of washers for the kitchen faucet and of course, since he will return whenever he feels like it – I am back in Limbo. Strangely enough, after reading Linda Merrill’s account of her kitchen re-do (we started at about the same time) – I’m not feeling quite so bad.

Bonbon Earrings for IFDA Tableau Gift Bags

In any event, truthfully - I should be making up the remaining 75 or so Bonbon Earrings for the IFDA Tableau event gift bags as promised. Or. . . trying to clean up some of the renovation flotsam & jetsam and reorganizing the kitchen drawers and cabinets – now that is what a sensible person in my shoes would do! Sensible, no way – instead of hunkering down for either of those two tasks, I elected to go to the gem show this week-end to buy more jewelry goodies that I probably don’t even need! Clearly this is going to have to be a very short posting – I need to get my priorities straight!

Top Row: Lepidolite, Green Toumaline in Quartz, Pink Calcite
Middle Row: Sleeping Beauty Turquoise, Cavansite w/ Apophyllite, Pink Cobalto Calcite
Bottom Row: Staurolite (Crosses of Stone)

Ginormous Swiss Blue Topaz & Rock Crystal Briolettes

L to R: Green Kyanite (2), Fluorite, Moss Aquamarine (2), Tourmaline Carved Leaves & Rutilated Quartz

I just wanted you all to see some of the luscious gemstones and pendants I found over the week-end. Now that I have purchased these gorgeous items and they are just waiting for me to make them up – it might be just what I needed to spur me on to finish the Bonbon earrings (or start organizing the kitchen) – we’ll see!


  1. Hi Karen, I like your blog, but not near as much as I love your jewelry! What an eye you have. Your pieces are so beautiful. I would love to advertise your work on my blog. Carol Harris

    Designs for You

  2. Anonymous2/12/09 11:46

    You must have a ball choosing stones and colors. You eye for detail is incredible! Can't wait to see more of your work and so glad to read you have more time to focus on it!

  3. Your bon bon earrings are fabulous, of course all of your jewelry is!
