Saturday, July 18, 2009

A Week Full of Surprises!

We all have busy lives and, suddenly, mine is no exception. In addition to coordinating the IFDA Arizona Chapter’s Tableau fundraising event for Ryan House and all that entails, I had the additional insanity of packing up my kitchen in preparation for a demo scheduled for next week. I knew it was going to be a crazy week, but had no idea what a week of surprises it would turn out to be! I am not saving the best for last!

I got a call late morning on Monday from my son Chris, that he and his dear wife, Stephanie, have a new bundle of joy! Brendan Harrison Jones arrived in a hurry. . .he could not even wait for the Dr. to get her scrubs, gloves & mask on! Thank goodness Chris has big hands and was able to react quickly. . .he was the hero of the day. Now that’s what you call being a “hands on” father!

Mother, son & big brother, Timmy, are thrilled to meet one another and things have hopefully settled down now that everyone is at home. Snoopy, the black lab “fur baby,” may be the exception. . .he is still getting used to the sound of little Brendan’s crying. Boy, are they going to have their hands full! I guess we will find out in a week when we go for a visit to meet our newest grandson. I can barely wait!

As if having a new grandchild was not enough, I was featured in an interview for World Artisan Gems blog site on Monday as well. I am so delighted to have been included among such talented artisans from all over the world. If you are not familiar with this site, and you love gorgeous handcrafted jewelry, please make certain you check out this blog – Don’t forget to leave a little comment so we know you visited.

My last little surprise of the week came on Friday morning. I was featured in the Ruby Lane “Creative Hands” July newsletter in the Artisan Spotlight section for my creations utilizing shells in couture jewelry designs. I have blogged about my childhood fascination with shells before and I guess I am not the only person that is mesmerized by them!

All in all, this has been a week full of wonderful surprises – a gift of new life and two jewelry features. I just hope next week’s demo is not a trifecta of bad surprises! You know what they say – good & bad news comes in threes!I will update posts on the kitchen renovation as it progresses.

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