Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Right Place at the Right Time

I have spent the last two years as 2007 President-Elect and 2008 President of the Arizona Chapter of IFDA (International Furnishings and Design Association). Those two years were an obligation that I felt deserved my full attention and as a result, I made the decision to put my jewelry designs on the back burner for the duration.

With the new IFDA President taking over responsibilities in January of 2009, I gave myself permission to forge ahead with the marketing of my jewelry company and made the decision to become a client of the Martz Agency here in Scottsdale. My liasion at the Martz Agency is an adorable gal named Jennifer whom I have worked with in the past while I was President of the IFDA Arizona Chapter.

Jennifer recently received an inquiry about some jewelry that was needed for a photo shoot and she submitted some photos from my line that matched up with the outlined criteria. Eureka! They liked several of the pieces and I was told to bring them in for the photo shoot.

Now, even with my extensive experience as an interior designer and the press – I knew that this was not a sure bet. Magazines, television, etc. are often fickle – changing their requests at the last minute and sometimes leaving the poor designers as collateral damage even though they have jumped through hoops of fire to accommodate the media. This time it was a case of being at the right place at the right time! Two designs from my line were included in the April issue of AZ Society – a peridot and citrine necklace and some turquoise, kyanite, sky blue topaz and labradorite earrings.

I could not be more thrilled since this was my first “official” foray into the world of PR & Marketing since creating this jewelry line. Maybe. . . it was just beginner’s luck. I think it was the fact that the items we submitted were carefully culled to meet the criteria set out by the magazine and the professionalism of Jennifer at the Martz Agency. Let’s hope lightening really can strike twice!

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