Tuesday, December 9, 2008

A Fun Holiday Surprise

The past few months have been so crazy with traveling, trunk shows, board meetings, helping with IFDA Tableau (a wonderful fundraiser for Ryan House in Phoenix) and participating in Scottsdale Fashion Week - that I am just now getting back to working on my jewelry designs and updating my website for the holidays. It is not unusual for me to periodically Google my business name to see if someone has posted something new but, today was such a fun surprise I thought I should share the news.

Now, I must confess that the social networking thing is somewhat new to me and I am not particularly savvy with the lingo. Apparently, a few days ago a fashionista named Aunt Bee found my website (Karen Sugarman Designs) and has “hived” me on Stylehive. What fun to realize that you are not just floating around alone in cyberspace and that people actually do locate you and appreciate your efforts. It will be fun to follow Aunt Bee and see what else she is up to over the next few months. I feel certain that someone reading this blog will have a much greater understanding of the significance of this event and probably could explain (in a very rudimentary way) how I can maximize this effort. In any event, for someone as “non-computer oriented” as myself, it will be a fun learning experience. If you have any pointers, leave a comment – I would love to understand more.

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