Sunday, March 30, 2008

When Life Hands You Lemon Quartz – Make a Necklace

Even after living in the deserts of Scottsdale for almost four years, I still miss almost everything from my former life in Boston (24 years is a long time). However there is one thing (possibly more) that I do love about Arizona. . .
t-shirts & sandals in March (unthinkable in Boston)! In our very small but, very pretty back yard, the former owners had the good sense to plan a small grove of citrus trees. It is at this time of the year when they are most delightful. After most of the fruit has been picked, eaten, juiced and given away; the grapefruit, orange and lemon trees explode with a profusion of beautiful white blossoms and the headiest perfumed fragrance you can imagine. Too bad we still do not have “smell-a-vision”. Suffice to say, I leave the doors open as much as possible to drink in the ambrosia bouquet.
Apparently, that lemon tree has really been on my mind. I just completed a gorgeous necklace of aquamarine, green phantom quartz, aqua chalcedony with softly colored lemon quartz nuggets and smooth lemon chiffon freshwater pearls. It reminds me of a cool glass of lemonade by the sparkling aqua water of the pool.

With my hubby working this week-end, I snuck off to a small gem & jewelry show here in Scottsdale. . .shh, don’t tell him! I am pretty certain I am not alone in this but, he is really befuddled by my need to have all those shoes and gemstones! As you can see, that lemon tree was whispering in my ear to buy those exquisite lemon quartz faceted briolettes. I am not certain exactly what “recipe” I will use them in but, I am certain something yummy will come to mind! These gem shows are going to be the end of me because I always seem to find some new stones that I just cannot seem to live without. This time, in addition to the lemon quartz brios, it was the blue tourmaline, pink topaz nuggets and the pink sapphires. I just can’t wait to sit down with them and see what combinations I can come up with.

While attending the gem show, I was testing out a new necklace that I have dubbed as “Safari Sashay”. With the summer fashion “must haves” of everything safari, everyone from the vendors (one of them wanted me to sell it to him – for resale of course) to the fashionable attendees, wanted to know about this necklace. This chunky statement necklace (very in-style this season) is comprised of ammonite, horn, banded agate, coffee quartz, wood & freshwater baroque pearls. It would look fabulous with the white shirtwaist dress & brown belt I have dog eared in my Bloomingdale’s catalogue!

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